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25. Gilbert, N.A.*, B.S. Pease*. In review. Light pollution prolongs avian activity globally.

         * shared first authorship

24. Gurney, S., S. Christensen, M. Nichols, C. Stewart, S. Mayhew, N.A. Gilbert, D. Williams, D. Etter. In review. Harvest restrictions fail to influence population abundance. Ecosphere.

23. Gilbert, N.A., R.C. Bell, A. Catenazzi, R.A. Martins, S. Buttimer, W.J. Neely, C. Lambertini, V. Saenz Calderon, C.F.B. Haddad, C.G. Becker, G.V. DiRenzo. In revision. Reproductive habitat mismatch influences chytrid infection dynamics in a tropical amphibian community. Global Ecology and Conservation. 

22. Gilbert, N.A., D.M. Dominoni. In press. Robust analysis of diel activity patterns. Journal of Animal Ecology

21. Gilbert, N.A., G.V. DiRenzo, E.F. Zipkin. In press. Idiosyncratic spatial scaling of biodiversity–disease relationships. Ecography.

20. Ayebare, S., N.A. Gilbert, A.J. Plumptre, S. Nampindo, E.F. Zipkin. In press. Improving population analysis using indirect count data: a case study of chimpanzees and elephants in western Uganda. Ecosphere.

19. Gilbert, N.A., S.R. Kolbe, H.N. Eyster, A.R. Grinde. 2024. Can internal range structure predict range shifts? Journal of Animal Ecology 93(10)1556-1566. PDF

18. Gilbert, N.A., C.M. Blommel, M.T. Farr, D.S. Green, K.E. Holekamp, E.F. Zipkin. 2024. A multispecies hierarchical model to integrate count and distance sampling data. Ecology e4326. PDF

17. Gilbert, N.A., B.R. Amaral, O.M. Smith, P.J. Williams, S. Ceyzyk, S. Ayebare, K.L. Davis, W. Leuenberger, J.W. Doser, E.F. Zipkin. 2024. A century of statistical EcologyEcology e4283. PDF

16. Pease, B.S., N.A. Gilbert, W.R. Casola, K. Akamani. 2023. The Steller's Sea-Eagle in North America: an economic assessment of birdwatchers traveling to see a vagrant raptor. People and Nature 5:1937-1947. PDF

          Press coverage: Hakai

15. Gilbert, N.A., H.N. Eyster, E.F. Zipkin. 2023. Propagating uncertainty in ecological models to understand causation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21(3):114-115. PDF

14. Gilbert, N.A., K.A. McGinn, L.A. Nunes, A.A. Shipley, J. Bernath-Plaisted, J.D.J. Clare, P.W. Murphy, S.R. Keyser, K.L. Thompson, S.B. Maresh Nelson, J.M. Cohen, I.V. Widick, S.L. Bartel, J.L. Orrock, B. Zuckerberg. 2023. Daily activity timing in the Anthropocene. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38(4):324-336. PDF

13. Gilbert, N.A., J.L. Stenglein, J.N. Pauli, B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Human disturbance compresses the spatiotemporal niche. PNAS 119(52):e22-6339119. PDF

       Press coverage: New York TimesSierra, University of Wisconsin-Madison News

12. Gilbert, N.A., N.M. Anich, M. Worland, B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Microclimate complexities at the trailing edge of the boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 524:120533. PDF

11. Zuckberg, B., J.D. McCabe, N.A. Gilbert. 2022. Antipredator behaviors in urban settings: Ecological experimentation powered by citizen science. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9269. PDF

10. Gilbert, N.A., J.L. Stenglein, T.R. Van Deelen, P.A. Townsend, B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Behavioral flexibility facilitates the use of spatial and temporal refugia during variable winter weather. Behavioral Ecology 33(2):446-454. PDF.

9. Townsend, P.A., J.D.J. Clare, N. Liu, J.L. Stenglein, C.M. Anhalt-Depies, T.R. Van Deelen, N.A. Gilbert, A. Singh, K.J. Martin, B. Zuckerberg. 2021. Snapshot Wisconsin: networking community scientists and remote sensing to improve ecological monitoring and management. Ecological Applications e02436. PDF​ 

8. Gilbert, N.A., B.S. Pease, C.M. Anhalt-Depies, J.D.J. Clare, J.L. Stenglein, P.A. Townsend, T.R. Van Deelen, B. Zuckerberg. 2021. Integrating harvest and camera trap data in species distribution models. Biological Conservation 258:109147.​ PDF

7. Gilbert, N.A., J.D.J. Clare, J.L. Stenglein, B. Zuckerberg. 2021. Abundance estimation methods for unmarked animals based on camera-trap data. Conservation Biology 35:88-100. PDF

6. Zuckerberg, B., J.M. Cohen, L.A. Nunes, J. Bernath-Plaisted, J.D.J. Clare, N.A. Gilbert, S.S. Kozidis, S.B. Maresh Nelson, A.A. Shipley, K.L. Thompson, A. Desrochers. 2020. A review of overlapping landscapes: pseudoreplication or a red herring in landscape ecology? Current Landscape Ecology Reports 5:140-148. PDF

5. Gilbert, N.A., P.F.B. Ferguson. 2019. Landscape patterns associated with occupancy of disturbance-dependent birds in the Blackland Prairie Ecoregion of Alabama and Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 18:381-404. PDF

4. Gilbert, N.A., P.F.B. Ferguson. 2019. Disturbance, but not the right kind: exurban development does not create habitat for shrubland birds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:243-259. PDF

3. Gilbert, N.A., H.E. Horne, J.A. Trent. 2019. Mind the gap: The Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) breeds in central Alabama and eastern Mississippi. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:147-152.​ PDF 

2. Gilbert, N.A., M.R.A. Eshleman, A.E. Janik, K.L. Kauffman, J. B. LaPergola. 2018. A rare observation of White-collared Swift (Streptoprocne zonaris) breeding activity on Hispaniola. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 31:12–16.​ PDF

1. Pope W.C., ... Gilbert N.A., ... Hatfull G.F. (2863 authors total). 2015. Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of phage genetic diversity. eLife 2015:4:e06416 PDF

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